... not that I'm going to go looking too hard for it.
I had some really good news (as foreshadowed by Katie below). When I weighed in, the scale read 203.8. 203.8. That's down from my start toward the end of May (three weeks ago) of 218.8.
I lost 15 pounds. Fifteen pounds gone. I feel great. I actually feel lighter, and the clothes fit better. That's part of the good news. The better news is that I can feel it in the energy I have.
For example, on the machines today, I was ready to progress by five pounds. What was hard at first was easy, so now time to add weight. (I added 10 to the calf press, because that comes easier than the rest). I still suck at shoulder press, but oh well.
This is the best part. I went on the treadmill today, and ran for the first time. Granted it was only for 10 minutes, but I jogged along steadily at 5.2 mph for that time without dying.
I can do this! I hadn't ran since I was a kid, and that's because a dog was chasing me.
Katie likes to run, and now I see why. I want to run with her. I'm aiming for a 5k this fall, and in a year and a half, to run the Route 66 marathon with her. Yep... I think I can do it. Give me a lever big enough and I'll move the world... or at least run 26.2 miles.
And also I don't know how to find my BMI. When I do I'll let you know.