Tuesday, October 7, 2008

From Katie.....Run Katie Run!

I haven't posted in awhile so, let's get y'all filled in on me and my progress.

My current weight: 140lbs!!!!! I check every week to see that 139 but, so far, no go.

I have lost about 4 sizes :D That feels amazing!

I think the difference maker has been my ability to get back to running and doing it pain free!!!! WHOOOHOOOO!

I have been working with the personal trainer at work to build up my quad, knee and calf muscles. Basically all the muscles that support my left knee and IT Band. I did that for 6 weeks before I started really running again and it seems to have done it's job.

So now I want to start using this blog to document my runs and how I felt and all that fun stuff :)

Here are my recent runs:
-Thursday, Oct 2nd --- a good 4 miler at Lee Park - 43m 08sec
-Saturday, Oct 4th --- an amazing 5 mile run at Valley Forge Park -- it was around 8am, beautiful, perfect fall morning -- I did the run in 53m 13s! It was an unbelievable feeling
-Sun, Oct 5th --- a 3.3 miler at Lee Park - 33m 18s -- the interesting part is that due to the fact that the .6 mile maker is missing so it forces me to a 3.3 miler instead of a 5K
-Mon, Oct 6th --- a 3.3 miler at Lee Park - I forgot my watch but it felt good
-Tues, Oct 7th --- a 33 minute run at East Goshen Park --- I'm not exactly sure of the distance but I felt like a was running slower

The weather has been great and I have been sleeping well so I think that's helped my running. Hopefully it'll continue.

Only 4 1/2 weeks to the Honeymoon!

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